But if you’re happy with this, the last step will be to click on, “File”, “Save As”, “Vector”, and then just choose the vector format that it is you wanna use. We can edit it or actually erase a couple of the things if you want. Now, there’s still some edits we need to do with our text and lines, in our preferred CAD software, but this is good enough. The lines are pretty clean and most of the text is pretty good.
Once we’re happy with that, we click on “Run”, and a preview image will show here. In terms of the maximum character size, let’s just select from the image, and just get the biggest text here, and just click and drag. You can actually edit the OCR settings here. So let’s click on vector and… Vectorize and OCR. So in this case, we want to vectorize the floor pen elements, and then turn the text in the document into editable text. OCR means that it’s going to turn the raster text here into two-type text. If you wanna trace an outline or a solid, you can pick on these two other vectorization methods. The next step would be to convert it into vector by clicking on “Convert Image”, here. Once we’re happy with this, we’d click on “OK”. So let’s keep it a bit low for this particular image, same thing with the hole size. If we make the pixel size, speckle size, a bit too big, it’s gonna start erasing stuff like text. You can mess around with the speckle size and the hole size, but be careful not to… Too big or else it’s gonna start erasing things that we want to keep in. Depending on how much you wanna clean in your original source image, you can choose to take on this, which removes speckles and holes. But if it isn’t, then I would… The first step would be to click on this, to just turn the image into a monochrome image. So in this case, it’s already black and white, so it’s already grayed out. If the image isn’t already black and white, you’re gonna see this not grayed out. First thing’s first, you wanna clean this up a little bit.
So, what we want to do is convert this into a vector file using Scan2CAD. As you can see, if you zoom in, things are getting pixelated and blurry. So I have a file opened up on scan2cad here, it’s a raster file.